About Your Italy Trip

Finding it difficult to plan your trip to Italy using a million different sites on the internet?

Welcome to the only website you’ll need to plan the perfect Italian getaway.


Your Italy trip aims to become an all encompassing travel guide to Italy for all your planning and inspiration needs.

If you already know which cities you want to visit hop over to our Destinations page, but if your unsure on exactly where to go you’ll find the Plan Your Trip page the most useful. On these pages you’ll find useful itineraries, packing lists, sightseeing tips and accommodation guides.

I am a frequent traveler to Italy and have spent time in both the north and the south, the highlights and some hidden gems. I decided to start this site because out of all the places I’ve traveled, Italy is a place I keep returning to.

Welcome to the site and I hope it proves useful for you in the years to come.